Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc.
Texas Coastal Bend Chapter
Working Together for a Better Tomorrow
From: Lorrie LeCompte
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 12:43 PM
To: 'JustGoFishin'
Subject: Thank you for the support!
THANK YOU for contributing to the 16th Annual ABC Fishing Tournament. Through your generous support, this year’s event met and exceeded our anticipated goals! We could not have done it without companies and individuals like you.
The 2008 Fishing Tournament registered 83 as individuals, 24 teams, and 10 kids’ entries. The weather was great, the food was delicious, and the fishing superb! If you were there you saw it first hand, if you missed it, well you missed a fantastic tournament. This year’s tournament even had media coverage!
The 2008 ABC Fishing Tournament committee, volunteers, board of directors and staff appreciate your generosity to make this year’s event the best ever.
Again, thank you for supporting the 16th Annual ABC Fishing Tournament and we hope to SEA ya next year!
David LeGros
AFLAC Chapter
Fishing Committee Chair
Kevin Kieschnick
Prosperity Bank
Fishing Committee Co-Chair
Always great to get feedback of appreciation. Check-out their tournament in pictures. Were looking forward to next years fishing competition.
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