Port Corpus Christi Cold Storage went on a nice offshore fishing expedition. They went out on the Scat Cat party boat at Fisherman's Warf. Taking the 10:00pm to 10:00am trip they were able to catch several Bline Snapper. They were very impressed by the deck hand service they received while fishing. This really made things simple for the novice angler. They were able to catch some of the larger red snapper but they were catch and release only.
Congratulations on a great day of fishin to: Catherine, Manuel, Joe, Diana, Irma, Steve, And Guy
Captain John Little joined some of his buddies for a "Little Offshore Fishing Trip". As you can see there is nothing little about these beauts! John's comments to us as he sent these pictures to JustGoFishin were. "Offshore fish are a helluva lot meaner than them bay fish!!"
Their fishin trip produced 4 Amber Jack, 1 Grouper, 3 Shark and a couple snapper = One heck of a fishin trip!
This blue heron was rescued today by my wife and her daughter Jana Badger and her son Breyton as they were getting ready for a swim in the canal. They spotted the blue heron across the canal. The blue heron was halfway submerged underwater and fighting to get ontop of the deck to survive. We got into our kayak and paddled over the the bird and she gladly accepted my paddle to stand on to raise her out of water and onto the deck. Once on the deck she was somewhat wobbly and exhausted from the fight to save her own life.
I called up my favorite Texas Game Warden and he gave me a contact phone number. Guy Davis, 361-688-5159, who lives on the island was glad to stop by and rescue the bird to get rehabilitated for release back into the wild. He said it had been the second blue heron he had rescued for the day. Guy said that they most likely got into trouble with the recent heavy winds and thunder showers we experienced the night before.
Great to see John again and returning to South Texas where he served his LDS mission. Traveling from Ontario Canada with his wife Amanda they've been taking in the beautiful outdoors of Texas. I was excited to have an opportunity to take the newly weds out on a fishing trip to the Land Cut. The pressure was on since Amanda had never gone fishin let alone catch one. So I was hoping that faith followed by action would produce results.
Picking up live shrimp at Billings Bait we started out early to get a jump on the day. Winds were coming out of the Northeast which made it cooler than usual but still enjoyed eastern winds. Things turned out great.
As soon as we arrived to our fishing spot we placed our hooks in the water and within about 10 minutes we had fish on! Amanda caught her first fish... it was a speckled trout.
John has a great day as well with this nice speckled trout catch.
John gets the catch of the day... a nice 21 inch black drum. John's previous largest ever was a 4 inch perch he caught as a kid. This shreds the tape with a new personal record.
We had several small nibbles that would steel our bait. At first I thought it was perch or something of that nature. I was close. I happen to snag this small sheepshead just outside the mouth steeling my bait. I just haven't seen so many sheepshead this far down at the Land Cut.
(John Clarke, Me, Amanda Clarke)
Just a great day of fishing with my friends from Ontario Canada!
Fishing the Land Cut has just been great this year. Went fishing with a good friend of mine Scott Smith and his visiting Family. His Dad Wayne from Mississippi and his Brother Matt and Nephew Carter from Nebraska. Great time on the water inspite of heavey winds. We were lucky to get the last of the available shrimp at Billings Bait in the early morning.
Carter (5 years old) pulled in the first speckled trout of the day in just about the first 10 mins of getting his hook in the water. We new it would be a good day after this nice catch.
Carter and is dad (Matt) teamed up to pull in this nice speckled trout. I think the sun glasses might have had a lot to do with their strategy.
Then Carter teamed up with is uncle Scott to land this nice sheepshead on the boat. She gave them a nice fight but they proved to be just to much for this wiggler.
Scott seems to have his groove on for the day catching several specks along the shoreline of the land cut.
Matt certainly didn't want to be left in the dust by his brother so he managed to land this nice 23 inch speck. Largest of the day.
Papa (Wayne) had a nice sheepshead catch, largets of the day. Pretty nice fight as he received some help landing this beauty from Carter his grandson.
Below picture shows Wayne and Matt joining the over 20 inches club. Scott came close with a 19 1/2 incher but couldn't deliver.
Great day of fishing for everyone!
Terrific Land Cut adventure for the Smith family. We sure hope they enjoyed their visit to Corpus Christi, Texas. Y'all come bach now... ya hear!